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Home » Five Senses Circle Series

Five Senses Circle Series

What is Circle?

Throughout history women have gathered in a circle. We meet to prepare food, to worship, to socialise and to pass down knowledge, wisdom, and traditions. Whatever the reason for coming together, the circle provides a place for us to connect with others.

Women circles date back as far back as 800CE. Early spaces such as the red tent and the moon lodge were created in line with the menstrual cycle.

Today a sense of stillness and connection can elude us in our busy over scheduled lives. The demands and stimuluses of modern life mean we can find ourselves living in an almost numb state on autopilot.

The Senses Circle series is an opportunity to press pause. It is an opportunity to gift ourselves time to listen to our inner voice and to be heard. The practice reconnects us with our community in a safe, unjudgmental and advice free space freeing us to explore through our senses the threads of our lives.

Throughout the series we will look at each sense in turn, becoming aware of and examining our relationship with each and being curious about what comes up for us when we are present with it. Using meditation to find grounding we are invited to give voice to our experience and stories, sharing when it feels comfortable to do so.

Who is it for?

The Senses Circle series is for anyone who identifies as female regardless of sexual orientation or biological gender. If you are seeking a sense of community or connection, whether that be to yourself or others or the wider world the Senses Circle series is a great place to start this journey.

You can expect a warm welcome to a secure space where you can be heard and held and where you can listen and hold the space for others.

What are the benefits?

  • Circles provide a place to find courage through the power of sharing.
  • Coming together in an all-female space to listen and to find our authentic voice to share experiences, thoughts and musings nurtures our sense of connection.
  • This is an opportunity to gift yourself time and space to let go of any unmet needs or silenced stories without the worry of what it may mean for someone close to you.  
  • On top of the benefits of belonging, the sense of community you find can be a catalyst for letting go of a story you hold, to shift a perception or a spark renewed empowerment enabling you to move forward with compassion and self-love.
  • Circle can work its magic in the most surprising of ways. Tending to our needs, soothing discomfort, and reminding us of our capacity for joy and of our strength.
  • It also reminds us that we are not alone, we have people around us and we are connected with our body. 

The details

Similar to how a yoga series works, a Circle will take place each week for five weeks, usually at a location in Chorlton, Manchester. The cost of the series is £45.00. Participants can enjoy a 10% discount on a 60 or 90 minute, massage therapy within one month of the Circle Series finishing.

If you would like to join the next series which will start towards the end of January 2023 or have any questions that are not answered by the FAQ’s below, you can email me at or register your interest using the form below.

I look forward to meeting you there.



How many people attend?
I create an intimate place for between 5 and 10 people.

Will the other women who attend have a similar mindset to me?
Each Circle is unique, formed entirely on who comes into the room. History shows that Circles attract a diverse group of women aged 18+. Participants are open hearted, inclusive, and like you seeking connection.

Where do the Circles take place?
Senses Circles are created online and in person. My upcoming events will be detailed on my homepage.
In person Senses Circles are held anywhere from the host’s sitting room to a yoga studio to outdoors. All you need to create a Circle is somewhere quiet, cosy, and welcoming.

I am a little worried as I haven’t done anything like this before.
I hear you; it takes courage to take this step for yourself. The experience is there for you to absorb and participate in a way that works for you. Give yourself time and share or listen when the time is right. I will make the environment comfortable and welcoming. Remember there is no right or wrong or good or bad in a Circle.

To ask a question and register your interest please complete the form below.


Please complete the form below to contact me, thanks, Nina.

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